THE DUSTY FOLDER “Kurukshetra de nit” 116 x 88 cm Acrylic on canvas 2010 Gita 2013 (collection of 11 pieces) “Arbre subtil (Boira de verds)” 116 x 88 cm Acrylic, pigments and binding agents on canvas 2013 “Arbre subtil (Vena a blau)” 97 x 130 cm Acrylic on canvas 2013 In between “Deepam” 116 x 80 cm Acrylic on canvas 2011 “Llum” 40 x 30 cm Lithograph on paper 2010 “Nutre” 50 x 20 cm Acrylic on canvas 2007 Tamil Nadu rain 2008 (collection of seven pieces) “El cor de Kunti” 120 x 80 cm Acrylic on canvas 2008 “Les gopis. Rasa krida” 120 x 100 cm Acrylic on canvas 2008 “Bhisma samadhi” 120 x 70 cm Acrylic on canvas 2008 “Brahman Brahma” 70 x 170 cm Acrylic on canvas 2008 “La pell i la pluja d’or” 42 x 123 cm Acrylic on paper (two sides) 2008 Flona 2004 (collection of ten works) “F1” 70 x 70 cm Acrylic, ink and graphite on canvas 2004 “F3” 70 x 70 cm Acrylic and graphite on canvas 2004 “F6” 70 x 70 cm Acrílic i pastell sobre tela 2004 2004 “Flona” 29.7 x 21 cm Dibuix sobre paper Els 90 . . . . . . . . . 1971Pedraforca Mountain drawing The Melting The seen In between The Vision The secret The dusty folder